Saturday, February 11, 2012


hey you all (: 
Today there were a lot of people at H2O helping us to record  a video about all the pool's rules.
There were people recording, acting, taking pictures, organizing, creating things, etc. 
We all had an amazing time, it was awesome to record and be with you guys.
Thank you Gustavo, Jacob, Felipe, Caique, Vitor Alves, Vitor Alcântara, Nathalia, Andressa, Juliana, Isabella, Luiza and Degenal! 
After recording everything we should there was the bible study in the youth room, near the pool as most of the people were kind of wet haha
Yes, we are still doing bible study every saturdy at 4p.m. and you should not EVER miss it!
As soon as possible you'll see the video and all the making of pictures! 

Eae pessoal (: 
Hoje muitas pessoas foram pro H2O nos ajudar a gravar o vídeo sobre as regras da piscina.
Tinham pessoas filmando, atuando, fotografando, organizando, criando coisas, etc. 
Obrigado Gustavo, Jacob, Felipe, Caique, Vitor Alves, Vitor Alcântara, Nathalia, Andressa, Juliana, Isabella, Luiza e Degenal! 
Depois de fazermos todas as filmagens o bible study começou na youth room, perto da piscina  já que a maioria das pessoas estavam um pouco molhadas haha
Sim, ainda há bible study todo sábado as 16h e você NUNCA deveria perder!
Assim que der atualizaremos aqui com o vídeo e mais fotos do making of! 

Juliana Vellardi

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