Wednesday, February 9, 2011

New videos and plans for this year!

Hello everyone (:
Well, now that all of you came back to school you might be wondering what english club planned to do this year.
Here you go:
February - Picnic
April - Wet'n wild
June - American Church
August - Playcenter
October - Hopi- Hari
December - USA!!!

We are posting it here so then you can save money or see to which one you'd like to go, or go to all of them if you want to.
We are only going to do those events if there are enough people paying. So, if you would like to go but think it maybe is a bit expensive you can talk with staffs and see if you can pay little by little each month.
I'm going to put more information about the beach party soon I hope you all go (:
Common question: I'm not from ETEC anymore, can I still be part of the english club and go to the events? - Yes, you can. That's ok we would be glad to have old students on the events.
As soon as possible I'll post days and prices of those events.

If you don't receive any e-mail from english club and you want to you can send us an e-mail with some of information (name, date of birth, address, e-mail and telephone number) that we will add you and then you will receive e-mails about the club and news.

English club got a cannal on youtube! If you click on any of those videos on the right part of the blog you can watch them. Danilo is posting some videos of what he is doing in Canada and Dj posted some videos when he was on the USA.
Check our videos clicking here.

I think that's all. If you have any question you can comment or send us an e-mail (

Have a good week (:
Juliana Vellardi


  1. I was anxious to see what the club will do this year. Now I see that these events are becoming a tradition, every year we have them. It's really important consolidated some events as tradicional.
    I want to participate in some of them, they are really nice.
